
The Connection Between Oral Health and Overall Health in Kids 

Have you ever wondered if a dental condition is hurting the rest of your body? That might be the case. Gum disease, for example, has been related to various disorders, including rheumatoid arthritis, heart disease, and diabetes, to mention a few. Brushing, flossing, and seeing the dentist regularly can protect you from far more than cavities. Learn more to protect yourself – consult a kids dentist in Bristol and Windsor, CT pediatric dentist for children

The influence of poor oral health on overall health

If addressed, oral health disorders in children can contribute to various health concerns. Tooth decay, gum disease, and oral infections can cause discomfort, trouble eating, and speech impairment. Furthermore, bacteria in the mouth can enter the circulation, producing inflammation and possibly damaging other organs and systems.

Children’s oral health problems

Cavities, gum disease, and tooth misalignment are frequent oral health issues in children. Poor oral hygiene practices, excessive use of sweet foods and drinks, and a lack of regular dental treatment can all be blamed for these issues.

The relationship between oral health and systemic disease

Scientific research has discovered a substantial correlation between children’s dental health and systemic disorders. Poor dental health has been linked to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, respiratory infections, and some malignancies. Oral bacteria can induce inflammation and infection, initiating or aggravating systemic disorders.

A variety of disorders or diseases have been linked to poor oral health. Let us look at a few examples:

  • Deteriorating educational performance 

Chronic tooth discomfort can impair concentration on crucial early learning experiences, cause absences from school or child development programs, and make it difficult to do assignments.

  • Impaired speech 

Early tooth loss due to advanced dental decay can affect speech development.

  • Reduced self-esteem 

Kids with severe oral illness may be hesitant to smile because they are self-conscious about the appearance of their teeth or the absence thereof.

  • Difficulty sleeping 

Infants and children suffering from persistent dental discomfort due to serious oral illness may struggle to sleep.

  • Diabetes 

Diabetes already puts you at a higher risk of gum disease since it lowers the body’s response to infection. According to research, people with gum disease have more difficulty maintaining their blood sugar levels. Some studies even show that treating diabetes might enhance oral health. Infection can promote insulin resistance, and treating periodontal disease can lower the need for insulin.

  • Poor diet 

Children who do not eat a balanced diet may lack the nutrients required for a healthy mouth. As a result, dental illness may cause difficulties chewing, resulting in a more restricted diet deficient in nutrients.